Just a little while ago we added a new pet to our menagire.
She/he is an albino budgie.
This was on the heels of recieving my box taffy from the State fair.
Malone's state fair taffy
and well the bird is white the taffy is white
we'll call her Malone.
Malone belongs to Harper.
Unlike the other budgie who belongs to Ryland,
Malone is somewhat friendly.
In that after you corner her in her cage
and grab her and hold on through all the bitting,
she settles in to relax on your finger or hide in Harper's hoodie.
Since she is so approachable, Malone is currently in trianing,
she shows great shows promise as a performer.
After about a week of training her bird Harper put on a show for us.
We were sent invitations with tickets.
On the day of the show the her brother was drafted to take tickets at the door.
Yes you had to have a ticket to get in.
As well as to hand out programs.
I haven't been to very many bird shows but
I would say this was the finest one I have ever seen.
If you get invited you really should go.
Posted in: on Wednesday, November 4, 2009 at at 2:18 PM 0 comments