It certainly feels like we have stolen a day from spring.
We are crazy motivated by 70 degree days and sunshine.
We added on to our fire pit and even hung wire hangers
on an old sheapards hook for future smores ,
should it ever get cold again.
We finally put the garden to bed. Always a sad but wonderful sight
I love the neat look of a winter garden.
Usually it's because I let the summer garden get so weedy and
out of control.
We fixed up our compost bins. They are no longer a horror to my
husband. Who also thankfully took down the drooping half working
Christmas lights.
It looks great around here. So good I'm actually ready for our
annual news years day party.
Of course the house is trashed. The girls decided it was
time for them to share a room this weekend. So Coulson has
been sleeping on their floor ever since
He will not be sleeping alone!
I am trying to put Chritmas away but the weather is
to nice to stay indoors. The bunnies have noticed the
weather too. We are very worried as one of our babies
did not come home last night. It's Eagle and I only
hope he is applty named. There where three gone last night.
Thunder and Dragonfly came home. I haven't told the kids
yet. I keep seeing little white flashes in the yard
I hope that whatever got him took him
far from here. It will be a long day if the kids find him.
I did like that one so much. You can see a mark on his
back that looks like and eagle in flight.
Posted in: family life on Monday, December 29, 2008 at at 8:02 AM