Okay so things are getting to a normal state around here. My new commitment to the laundry is helping us all find what we need when we need it. I'm not sure how long my one load a day efforts will last but, game on.
The kids begin a frenzy of activities next week. All of course taking place on the same day.
Yes that's two baseball practices and one fencing class all on Tues. between 6-8.
No, they are not located close to each other. Not even the baseball practices.
How are we going to do it?......all ideas are welcome. I personally have no idea.
I spent the weekend knitting and reknitting the same 10 stitches 20 rows. Why? To get it right. Some people are anal, I'm just insane with anal thrown in as an after thought. If I can't make it right why bother doing it at all. So alot gets left undone.
Life is finding all about finding a rhythm and I am still on a 1:3 beat. Peace and order are coming, I can tell because I organized the toys yesterday and they are still that way today.
Posted in: on Monday, February 23, 2009 at at 8:20 AM
I heard my Daddy saying "a job worth doing is worth doing right", thus we laid a brick patio around a big tree in the back yard of Arbor Vista. We then took it up and did the sand and gravel base that would make it right. Ah retrospect. Have been sewing draperies this morning, interrupted by getting ready for work and feeding the birds and cat. There may be a dynamic tension to my day in my choice of tasks.
Mother was happy I came home and we only mentioned the passing of the anniversaries once. She railed at the socialists (our government) and threw me a bone: she did not know I had so much control in my drawing. For god sake, I was hatching lines in 12 squares for a gray scale. :-) Oh well, I guess you will talk about me the same when I am 86.
Love to my babies and don't organize them too much.
ahhh laundry. i just started sorting by person (the littles are still together). It seems to make a difference. No sorting on the other end. I am totally cheating and washing the whites with the darks. i will probably pay for this at some point. the kids put laundry into their own labeled hampers. I wash and dry and the bigs fold and put away their own. I fold and put away the rest. so far so good, but, um, its only been 1 week. I still have to do 2 loads a day and diapers every other day. But at least i'm no longer sorting socks for hours!
When you return to Bog
I will be gone.
I came to see you string
all the beads together.
I came to hear your voice
in raucus joy and hope
that all your seed have sprouted
that all your water ran clear.
There is much to do in spring
and this increase is surely noon.
You have worked through the morning
so now you can play.