I was up predawn on this past rainy cold Sunday. The tension of having to finish (ahem start) a project by 1:00 had me restless and panicky. I am making these pencil rolls for a friends triplets. Only I don't at the moment own an iron. Seams are much more difficult without one. I am waiting to run to Wal-mart. Waiting waiting waiting. It needs to be at least 8:00 before I can open the garage door and wake everyone in the house. But that only leaves me with maybe three hours to do this. And I have never done it and I am embroidering their initial on it.
What was I thinking?
We made each of the trips a bird they are gorgeous.
Well they are done now. And so worth it. I had to give up trying to finish them on time. Somehow children can sense when you are in a hurry. Simon NEEDED me all morning. So I set aside my need to have these done and give a gift at the party. I focused on him and getting the triplets gift done after I hired a nanny and housekeeper. My husband did swoop in and carry Simon off to the hardware store, but by then the time to get the gift done was gone. I am so thrilled I didn't rush it. I love them and I am going back to make more.
P.S. I did finally go buy an iron. But it was a cheapy gross $7.00, doesn't press unless you do iron. Because as we all know Wal- Mart sucks. Well yesterday, I stop in at yard sale, at a cooking school of all places. I was going to buy some dishes and silver for a friends classroom but there on the dollar table was the iron I have been hunting for, a Black and Decker heavy as heck classic. Yeah!!! And how much money did I have at that very moment?????? $1.00. One dollar in my whole car, so my dear friend, sorry I didn't buy you any dishes. But I've got a kick butt iron now. For a dollar!!
Posted in: on Sunday, March 22, 2009 at at 7:41 AM
I love them! did you use a pattern or just wing it? Two of my boys bring notebooks and colored pencils everywhere we go. I have seen the rolls before but not with the notebook pouch. What a great gift too!
I was winging it. It was supposed to only hold the pencils but when I did the initial sewing I noticed the book fit perfectly. Which is why if you look close one of my pencil pockets has to hold two pencils.