We lost our beloved gold fish, Pickle Pop, monday. In all fairness only some of us loved her. He ate Cole's fish and he's never really forgiven him for that. He smeared his name at the funeral. It was a wonderful service. A guilt ridden Big Guy stood by miserably (he killed him, changed the water to fast) Ryland dug the hole next to the broccoli and dropped Pickle Pop in, in his grief Simon tried to dig him up. I will miss Pickle Pop, he came rushing to the front of the tank whenever I came in the room. Like a goldfish "hey! how are you I'm good thanks". We have a new fish now the tiniest fish I've ever seen. Less than a half inch long and currently called Addy. I cannot figure out why. For those of you who don't know, we have a menagerie here. The library is housing a bird (Hedwig), a snake (Sienna), a fish (Addy), a bunny (Thunder) and coming soon from a friend who is getting a puppy, so she can't keep them, aquatic frogs. That's just the animals in the library, we also have two large dogs and three cats . We seem so normal don't we. Yeh we're not.
I rescued a blue jay from the cat the other day. It was under the childrens bed and seemed to have a mangled foot. We had a spare cage for our bird so we packed him up and drove him here. These are wonderful people trying hard to educate people and save wildlife. If you need to give money away or had an animal pass and have supplies you no longer need please send them their way.
Hope the animals are all well in your world. My condolences to Molly , it's just too sad about her chickens.
Posted in: on Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at at 6:20 AM