I love sneaking out before the kids are up and moving. Coffee that stays hot and a little brain time. I can hear the cd player of the oldest already turned on. She has listened to Anne Green Gables so many times we are going to have to download a new one. I am alone for the next couple of days and so rather lazy and overwhelmed. The kids are great when Michael is out town, but there are still four of them and there are still 10 or 11 animals here. Plus we are watching the neighbors dog. Michael's mother arrives tonight and while I would love to be cooking and making it nice for her, I will just be getting by .
So I thought I would post what I would be doing if it where calmer and I didn't have to load up four kids to go get supplies. I got this from belladia's blog ( http://belladia.typepad.com/). It's last years but craft but it's new to me. check her out lots of great craft ideas. I may have to do that fantastic turkey. Happy felting.
Activity: Peace Dove Ornament
•white or cream colored felt for dove
•shade of green colored felt for olive branch
•embroidery floss to match your felt
•embroidery needle
•poly-fil for stuffing
•3" length of ribbon
•template (sorry for the quality of the template - my scanner is acting up and I had to work with a photo)
Step 1: print out template and cut it out
Step 2: using the template, cut out two pieces for the dove's body from white felt and one piece for the olive branch from the green felt
Step 3: fold ribbon in half and insert between the two felt pieces as marked on the pattern and pin in place - make sure it is perpendicular to the dove so it hangs straight
Step 4: start stitching the two dove pieces together using a running stitch, leave an opening at the bottom for stuffing
Step 5: lightly stuff with poly-fil beginning with the tip of the wing, the tail, and the head; finish stitching and knot it off
Step 6: stitch the middle of the olive branch to the tip of the dove's beak with your coordinating floss and you're all done
Posted in: on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at at 7:34 AM