Take your kids, take your neighbor go vote. Michael took three kids there at 7:00 this morning in the rain. They are so thrilled to be a part of history. Coulson thinks it's not fair that he can't vote and wanted to know why you can't vote a couple of times for you candidate. Ahhh youth.
Manic Monday has been pushed to manic Tuesday and now we are off to the store for election provisions; hot chocolate for the kids bourbon for me. I am so excited and nervous about this election. Big pot of red beans and rice are on the stove, friends are gathering. Hope is in the air.
Harper's presentation on presidents is due tomorrow. She wanted to wait until todays results came in. Had to explain election 2000 to her. We might not know for weeks who our next president is. I hope not but with it this close who knows. She has so throughly enjoyed doing this research project. Even though I have been there every step of the way I am interested to hear what she has to say and what she has gathered from all her work.
Enjoy the process today.
Posted in: family life on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at at 12:44 PM