The joy of a rainbow when magnified through the eyes of a child, is immeasurable. Standing in the cold and mist in our bare feet we stood in wonder and stared at the evening sky. Finally chilled to numb we rush in to our "Handy Science Answer Book" to find out why.  WHY???  The recurrent question of children.  Why does a fire smoke? Why can't I float in the bath tub? Why does the toaster make the perfect toast when you press two twice but not when you press four once (answer not found in science book).  The questions are delightful and dumbfounding in their scope.  I don't know have the answer to most of them. 

It's been a weekend of fire pits and bamboo huts. Thanks in no small part (all part really) to my dear husband who let me hire someone to tend to our crazy yard. Yes that money could be going to our retirement. But right now it is going to sanity and a lower copperhead count. It can not be underestimated how they have transformed our yard in two visits. Now the regular tasks of our crazy too big yard don't seem so overwhelming. The whole weekend spent outside exploring and finding out how hot dog buns with and with out ketsup burn in a fire.  We are rested and the better for it.