Do not get cocky with the laundry gods!

You know them, there is the god of dirty laundry, the god of clean laundry and the god of folded laundry. Now let's say you tick of the god of folded laundry by leaving your nice stack where the toddler can get at it, say on the dining room table. Well the god of folded laundry doesn't like this kind of blatant neglect and he will send the toddler with honey and peanut butter covered hands over to your precious stack and have him touch every piece and toss it on the dog. 

If by chance you tick off the god of clean of laundry, by neglecting a load in the wash or innocently leaving a clean load (or 4) on the couch for a day or two. He will simply send in his two favorite pawns moldyruin and catpuckupus.  

All of this because they both answer to the god of dirty laundry known as Smellypiles. He/she/it is not a benevolent god. He is a dirty bastard of a god.  

Well I pissed him off.  Not on purpose, I swear it was an accident (irrelevant). In front of the laundry room I spoke the words "yes! I'm on it" I did all of the laundry. I was caught up. On a roll. That very day storm clouds began to gather above my laundry room. There was the milk spill in the morning. No biggy cause I'm on top of the laundry.  Smellypiles found my cockiness to be irritating. Later in the day Simon was wandering around free of diaper, and pooped on the floor.  Luckily there was a comforter on the floor to catch most of the poo. What it didn't catch the shag rug picked up. Still feeling smug I went and put it in the wash. Because I was all over it, thus the washer was empty and ready.

Simon stayed in a diaper the rest of the day. Unfortunately Smellpiles took it off on one side. After Simon pooped (yes again),  where he vigorously shook his leg and jumped up and down on the bed and floor. 

Back to the laundry for penance. Begging forgiveness I stared at the knee high pile on the floor and swore that I would never again try to have all of the laundry done. If need be I would make ritual sacrifices, get a puppy, expose my children to tainted food. Whatever it takes. Please forgive me. 
I was too late Smellypiles was blinded with rage. The dog peed on the floor twice, the coffee pot overflowed.  Need I say more. So now things have slowed down as we are back at status quo
Piles of laundry on the floor, everyone's basket is full, no one can find a towel. Yes the laundry gods are satisfied. But I am still plotting ways around their ridged rules.  Less clothing for one. Indeed maybe potty training, hmmmmm no diapers now that would be a terrific coup. 

Okay so things are getting to a normal state around here. My new commitment to the laundry is helping us all find what we need when we need it. I'm not sure how long my one load a day efforts will last but, game on. 

The kids begin a frenzy of activities next week.  All of course taking place on the same day. 
Yes that's two baseball practices and one fencing class all on Tues. between 6-8.
No, they are not located close to each other. Not even the baseball practices. 
How are we going to do it?......all ideas are welcome. I personally have no idea.
I spent the weekend knitting and reknitting the same 10 stitches 20 rows. Why? To get it right. Some people are anal, I'm just insane with anal thrown in as an after thought.  If I can't make it right why bother doing it at all. So alot gets left undone. 

Life is finding all about finding a rhythm and I am still on a 1:3 beat.  Peace and order are coming, I can tell because I organized the toys yesterday and they are still that way today. 


I've got the don't remember when I last showered, how is possible we have 18 overdue library  books, can't I just read all day, thank goodness it's raining, blues.  In general I'm just feeling sloth like. I love a rainy day but that spring was nice. I actually got a couple rooms cleared out. Oh well. 
Hope you enjoy these shots. 

yummy tacos 
left in the oven, on warm, over night.

Have you seen our mates?

Valentines from the kids
pop-up cards are soooooo cool!

I love that she drew a happy smiling family

looking good

looking pretty

looking......  gone
Man that was good. 

When I woke up this past Christmas morning at 5:30 the air was full of excitement, anticipation,  and a very palpable energy. Yet I still had to wake the children up to see what Santa brought. Whenever we go home for a visit nobody can sleep the night before we leave. Yet I still have to carry sleeping children to the car at 7:00 am. 
My little Ry (don't call her that) turns five and all hell breaks loose. At 5:00 this morning we are trying to sleep Michael and I hear "chitter chatter chitter chatter", "Stop!" "ouch!" "MOVE!" "RYYYY."  They are all wide awake.  Michael rolls out bed because I am of course nursing the 18 month old and praying that he falls back to sleep so I can. He shoos the five year old into our bed and grumbles and the rest of the tribe. Fast forward to 6:00am, my sinus' are screaming, (thank you surprise temporary spring), the cat is purring in my face, the dog is cleaning the litter box, the baby is still nursing, YES STILL, the dog is cleaning her teeth from the litter box fill, and I can clearly hear a book on CD prattling away down the hall. Now I just have to get up. But I don't want to get up, I'm tired my head hurts and it's warm in bed. 

 Five minuets later- it's too warm in bed, my head is throbbing, husband is snoring, and somehow everyone, cat included has thrust me to the cliff like edge of the bed. Fine....... I'll get up. Grrrr.

All of this excitement is too neat to be mad about. See the older kids really got into the birthday spirit this year. They made an awesome banner for Ry.  6 feet long and completely filled with color. They even managed to buy the only thing she wanted for her birthday. The bird. The white budgie she saw at Pet Smart. I know, I know, shame on the pet store purchasing. But they are 7 and 10 and I for one am not standing in the way of that kind of enthusiasm.  I swear they are more excited than she is. 

At 6:15 teehee, pitter, patter, pitter, clomp, clomp, here are the bigs "Is she up?" "Can we wake her" "NO! go read." Grumble humph.

It is better than Christmas here. This time it is my children experiencing the thrill of giving someone exactly what they want.  They can't wait to see the her face and feel her joy. I am so loving being their momma at this moment. Of course, it is quiet and peaceful now. Check back with me in two hours after the thousandth round of "no you cannot hold the bird just yet. It's terrified!!" Did I mention my head is THROBBING. Oh me. It's that time of month too.  

My Baby Grand

She is turning five today.  
I hate five. 
It is so the end of my little bit and the beginning of my girl.  
She wept and sobbed last night about her hair cut. 
Ranting that it was too short and she hated it.  It was all we could do not to laugh out loud while she was still in the room. Because she was throwing a teenage sized hissy fit.  
Especially since her hair is longer than anyone else's in the house.  
It broke my heart.  
Get a look at that style though. 
 Such pizzaz. 
She makes me weep watching her grow. 
She is magic.  Pure, full throttle, emotions at full tilt, 
watch your ass around her, magic.   
I love you little bit. 
Happy  Birthday.

We will be working on our families bill of rights this weekend. The kids, ours, and the rules (laws) of the house.  I am hoping it will bring some peace to things. We began here at Kids Bill Of Rights, to  help give the kids ideas for their Bill of Rights.  It's amazing to think about how this original came to be.  

Overheard in school today. 

Harper:  "Mom you're knitting?! Do you want me teach you how to cast on." 
Me:     "Yes, please"
Harper : "Don't forget this is practice"

Ryland  :  "Hey we all have penmanship, and writing. And everyone has Math."
Coulson:  "I bet everyone who is lucky enough to go to school has math." 
Harper :  "People who home school are lucky."  
Coulson : "Yeah they're the luckiest."  

Harper : "Mom, 4/5 of my cards for the card exchange have water in them and 
 2/5 have land in them."
Me:  "Umm might need to do the math on that one again." 
Harper: "HUH?.......4 have water, 2 have land"
Me:    "You only have five cards"
Harper:   "One card has both."    
 Smirk and a walk away..... Ah yes the beginnings of a teenage mind. 

For a day that began with me in a low energy,  lethargy mood,  wishing I could just pull up and go get haircuts for everyone and spend the day buying useless stuff at goodwill. The day had a storybook hour and half.  It was only a short moment but it helped me tremendously. I am in the Feb. doll drums, I need a spring  garden and a total house re-do.  Perhaps an eclipse. Maybe if the laundry was done? Nah......I just need to hang on to those clips of joy until March.   

Okay May.


Getting ready for our ATC's

Even the dolls will get some tiny ones.

check this out   
go with the funniest first
then look for the ocean stuff

I must be group happy. First I join Facebook. Then it's a meet up group. Then I start a group of my own. Next thing you know I'm joining a card swap. I'm not a joiner.  I don't know what's happened me. Left alone for too long in the winter months obviously. Well I am excited about the card swap. Check it out over here at  Sounds like deadline even I can make. 


Okay so here what's happened to me for the past two weeks.  Twilight.   I have been totally absorbed in the first three books these last two weeks. Yes Simon cutting a tooth was an unnoticed blip in the week. If he wanted to nurse which was always I gleefully grabbed my book and curled up until his tooth felt better.  Shame on me. And counseling Harper on fractions which I know nothing about while reading.  Making dinner while reading.  Reading and playing ball drop. Using my babysitting dollars to read.  It was like Potter all over again. I love that I have come to these books after all of them have been released. I don't know how people waited.  So glad I didn't have to.  Inkheart series same thing.  I 'm  an anxious girl to begin with.  I have often found myself with an entire series on my bedside table finishing one book and picking up the next just so I can resolve something before I fall asleep. 
Is that a control issue??? Dunno.

 I do think it would be nice to know if authors are planning on setting up a series or not before you begin. Hello ....Gone With the Wind.....I mean come on. You know that she had more to say. That story was not done. But then again what story is ever done. They all continue.  I suppose I will have to return my story now. Dishes, laundry, the way my children fill my soul and my day.

My Little Bit is turning Five in a few days and its dreadful. I've ask her to stop her but in her infinite wisdom she told me she couldn't stop having having birthdays they would just keep coming year after year. I mentioned not being able to snuggle her anymore and she informed me that I was welcome to hold her children like that when she had them at 18. OMG!! I talked her into 27 then she suggested 40. Why the heck not. 

Children growing up is the worst. They don't have anyone making sure their story will have a sequel.  You can't jump to the ending just to know. It's written as it comes. Stories in real time have no guarantee.  It is a manuscript to delicate to set down for even a day.  