Whales and Basil

What a wonderful day, with wonderful children at The Musuem of Science in Raleigh. This concludes our whale studies but I imagine Harper will do more. She has really gotten into it. Lots of notes and lots of sorrow as she discovers that most of her favorite whales are near extinction. How amazing it was for the children to stand under these incredible animals. We are very lucky to have this display so close to home. It helped drive home the point of how incredible whales really are. They are so ancient and magnificent.

Basil=tomato season right?

I am hoping it will be here soon. I am ready to stand in the garden in the early morning and enjoy my fill of juicy summertime goodness for breakfast. 

Just an aside there is no swimming tonight! A super storm rolled through yesterday at 5 and was of course over by swim time (6). 
It did however screw up the pump which is still not working today. Hurray!!  
I'm thinking wine and bread for dinner. Unless you've got a better idea.  
If you do leave it here please.
 Perhaps I should get some ice cream sandwiches as well.