Who do that voodoo that you do so well.
As if by magic the nice and delightful rooms in the house are the only rooms anyone wants to be in. Drawn by the black magic that is a clean slate. The livingroom so lovely and serene, it felt cool and crisp. So everyone hauls all their stuff to play on the couch,the floor, the mantle, the hearth and side tables are a temporary bistro.
Good grief.
Seeking a peaceful location I go in to the sunroom so open and fresh with summers mild heat, only to find a knee high stack of books and three children sprawled monkey style with their snacks on every available surface.
Putting them in school sounds good if only to keep the mess and food budget down. They can't possibly wreck this much havoc if they are in school for six hours a day. All I wanted to do today was put up my broom gripper thingy in the pantry. Four hours, one visit from the roofer, one incredible diaper, a lesson in finding the volume of a cube (I still don't know how that is "useful"), one explanation of a fraction and seventeen "I'm starving" calls later and it's done. Looky me go!
It 2:00 pm what have you done with your day? Me, screwed in two screws.
Is it too much to hope for rain instead of swim practice? I think not. I need to do laundry and find the kitchen counter. Go to Costco, throw out 10lbs of potatoes that I promise you are on growth hormones.
But in all likely hood the rain will do what it has done all season, hold off until after practice and like a reluctant runner I will be glad I went. It is the only time I see adults and my best friend is there everyday to help me get over the fact that my dd is still biking under water and not swimming. In all fairness at 10 she still has trouble on dry land. It's less like a baby gazelle and more like the first primate to discover upright mobility. Nothing on her works rhythmically. The hips and legs move independent of the arms and back bone. She is also nearly my height (5'5") so her ease will come along soon enough and her beauty and stature will fill the room. But the growing into it is rough. Mainly on me I guess as I am the one bandaging and wrapping and kissing everything.
A promise is a promise is a promise.
Here is today's gardening shot.
May your tomatoes grow more plentiful than your neighbors, if not bigger.
I've got to get that man a job. Retirees should never garden in such close proximity
to young women with multiple young home schooled children.
At least he shares.
Posted in: on Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at at 1:19 PM
I think my neighbor uses miracle grow or at least that is what I am telling myself. How anyone can grow corn in the shade is beyond me.
The Garden, the pool, clean rooms, and snuggles, when you loose something you never knew you had, that is tragic. When you creat memories you have money in the bank. I am so glad you know what ya got while ya got it. The memory will last and the feeling will too.
I have been so overwhelmed these days, I sometimes just yell out "KINDERGARTEN!" I did manage to dig out my counter today, but the garden is paying the price. The weeds are out of hand! your plants are so big, mine are ummmm, not. That's why no pictures yet. I have also decided to take a mini (like one night mini) vacation alone....ALONE!!!! with my husband. Now I just have to convince him.