I am coming out of (I hope) a strange malaise that took hold of me this summer.  I didn't garden much and I didn't relax and enjoy it as much as I should have. To many distractions I suppose.  In an effort to narrow the scope of my life I stopped reading the blogs and I am trying to limit my time on the computer because it tends to suck me out of my life.  It was a busy summer, too busy.  The weeds took over the garden while we were in California and we never went back into it to reclaim it. The blog got completely neglected. The house -- never mind. 

 But I see order rising out of the chaos. A two year old who will not always be two and destroy everything we do. No task is complete until Simon has undone it. 
Four children and homeschool was alot to bite off and I am so glad that first year is behind us. The children are back at school across the table from me. Finding all sorts of comfort in having a routine once again.  Even if that means math work.  

We will be celebrating a big birthday today for Simon.  Becoming a two year old is something he is taking very seriously.  Lots of hitting, throwing, spitting, biting. So much lovely time spent on the timeout stool.  It's my time to shine as the piranha of the playground.  There are just to many mothers out there in the world that only have one sweet docile little girl.  My son narrows in on those singletons like a heat seeking missile. On minute they are telling me how cute my son is the next they are glaring at me like no on ever hit their precious little angel on the head with a plastic bucket before.  I mean really it's not like I go around the house showing him these things.  Nor do I shout "way to go!" when he wields  the toddler equivalent of a lead pipe! It's not my fault they have wooden dowels for beating drums with at the museum.  If the museum had ask me I would have told them plainly "this stick thing is asking for trouble." Then again so is sand, places where children can climb above other children and thus kick them, and all water features ANYWHERE.  What can I say he's a "pistol" and until I'm guessing he's 13 we are going to just have to play at home. Where all the good stuff has been taken away or broken. Who knew if you threw a Melissa and Doug puzzle hard enough it would shatter? Until yesterday I would've said no way

As luck would have it he has started talking and everything he says too sweet to kick him out of the house.  I had no idea Harper, shoes and neea (aka Ryland)  could so sound so sweet. Well here's to my last round of the terrible twos. I think I am sufficiently unprepared for how bad it will be. I am certain I don't recall it being this bad before. 
 Like labor it'll be over eventually at least. 


  1. sometimes I read your blog and it's as if you are writing about my life! We are trying to settle back down into a school year too. Indigo ( turned two august 17th) has other plans! I just keep reminding myself it doesn't last forever! RIGHT?