So lovely, so simple, so right. 
It isn't often that the gift you think will be perfect actually is.
 But this time we had a winner. 
A simple wooden train was all Simon got for big day. 
Each of the six cars was individually wrapped and each got a wow from Simon. 
He has already shown us how trains can fly and how to transport stolen jewelry. 
You can even use an engine to cast spells in a pinch,
and a box car is perfect for running off the nasty family cat.

It's good to be slowing down and not burying our child in stuff.  
He is so full of himself, so joyful and easy. 
Can you tell he's asleep? 


  1. so sweet, i will look forward to hearing how long they all stay in tact.

  2. Who does he blong to. He is so other-worldly and blond. Thanks for the pics. Love to them and you. Happy Birthday to you.

  3. we are trying to simplify toys here too. it's tough when you have been doing the plastic, commercial thing for 15 years! But we are doing our best. the train is too cute! did you get it online?