Earth Day and the children are in the garden planting our flower seeds.
Also known as the mommy doesn't care if they grow or nots.
Sorry about the bad shot but I didn't want to be discovered.
Simon is busy being 20 months old.
Potty and home wrecking training are the order of the day.
At least he cleans sometimes.
Even if he has to do it half naked.
Hmmm I better skedaddle his crocs are squeaking.
Happy Earth Day!
Posted in: on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at at 3:47 PM
too funny! my 20 month old is obsessed with the oreck! he just saw this picture and said "ooooh, shooooooes" guess he likes the red crocks.
i meant to say yesterday that hours after reading your post about bad guys that I was guilty of being a bad guy way to many times.
don't tell.
I think children are beautiful, from a distance. I love them up close to but they look perfect in the garden. Hank