So this stands to be a long Blah blah.  Lots to cover. 

First lets just recap Easter.
 We rushed off on Good Friday to Atlanta to celebrate Coulson's birthday at the Tut exhibit. An amazing time if you are into ancient Egypt and not under 5. Simon and Ry enjoyed the wide, empty hall much more than the exhibit.  But it wasn't for them. Coulson had a thrilling time. Upon finding out that when he walked out he would never be able to see it again. That this was a once in a lifetime experience he said, "I never want to leave".  
Birthday joy achieved. 

So that was all well and good but as you know very shortly after good Friday comes Easter Sunday. We had not even boiled one egg much less dyed any or even bought dye. I had the eggs and was able to sell the kids on white eggs being just fine. The Easter bunny won't mind I'm sure. 
So we get home after a 7 hour drive at nine ish. Michael tosses the flat of eggs into two pots of water and sets um boiling.  I being a genius and not really wanting white eggs, think quickly and toss a handful of frozen spinach in one pot and a handful of frozen blueberries in the other. Something will happen right. Pretty blue and yellow eggs will miraculously appear. Cool Muddy! 
Okay so natural dyes take alot of natural product to get the job done. 
We got the prettiest pale yellow eggs and the most horrifying, spoiled looking grey eggs. 
So below you have a side by side comparison. 
White, spinach and blueberry(?)

Not very Eastery is it. 
I will say this though the grey eggs hid very well! When you are the color of dirt and bark you blend. Next year though maybe a color that doesn't take a leap of faith to eat. I think I will need a couple of these every year from now on for posterity.  I'm sentimental like that. 

So moving on. The kitchen is done. Well not painted or anything like that. But the carpenter is gone. I'm sure I won't have it it finished this year so if your coming for a visit bring a paint brush.  I'll try to get some pictures up this weekend. 

Of course, I could just give my graffiti artists some permanent makers and set them lose in there. Did I not mention that two of my lovely children wrote on the neighbors stucco house.  In black permanent marker. AGHHH.  Nothing vile or evil no they wrote XXOO I love Ryalnd and I love Coulson.  In big bold letters about 4 in tall and dark. On the house of people we love. In moment of 1950's I'm not dealing with this style I put the call in to Big guy. Oh yes we will deal with this when your daddy gets home. Now go scrub.  It took them about an hour of scrubing to get it off and it is still not all gone.
 The next day they wrote and delivered (without me) apologies to John and K. 
Spring has sprung and brains everywhere are putty I get that but c'mon. My job is hard enough with out down right stupidity running through the house. Good grief at least write something about the people who live in the house.  Like we love you John and K. 

The flower seeds are sprouting in the garden. This is the moment every year that I regret using seeds. Is that a weed or cosmos? Dang.
Hope your day is a calm one. 
It's cool and cloudy here.  
The coffee is  hot.
The kids are playing nice
 Love'n it. 


  1. I go here every day to visit. Some days I make tea and sit with you and the children. I try to remember the sweetness that held me captive when you were filling my space with learning. The moments are distilled into vignettes that solidify into photographs will curled edges and fold marks. This is the best time of your life. You will have blog to remember the more subtle moments, write on and thank you for sharing.