Spring has absolutely exploded here.
The Dogwoods are blooming the red buds have "painted" my driveway. The children are muddy all the live long day. I am searching out ways to get rid of everything we own and start over. You know it's bad when you think you smell something burning and you think,
well if the kids and I got out then I could see it as all right
(don't worry mom I'll grab the Welty's).
Seriously what is it about spring that makes all things seem reasonable. Like, the way too large garden, the over stuffed weekend of outside events.
Thinking I could dabble in ceramics again.
The children's cheeks are flush with the new sun. They too are touched by springs rush of hopefulness. Tee Pees are springing up across the yard. (wish I could show you still no batteries long story more on that later) Frogs and snakes are captured, i.d.'d and reluctantly set free. Owls have been heard and spotted nesting where the hawks did last year. School projects have suddenly grown grand and expansive.
A rock in the yard is a gem the hand.
A one eyed frog a species rescue.
It is this time of year that being a home body pays me in spades and hoes.
I am so glad I have nowhere to go. Because I want to putter and pick at my yard until the mosquito's over take us and hasten our desire for fall.
It's all swimming and baseball around here.
New shoes for Mud (me) and bare butts for babes.
Hope may spring eternal but more likely spring brings hope. The neglected garden that you plowed under in a weedy, wire and twine twisted frenzy in Oct, that will not happen this season.
Instead neat little rows of carefully considered
organic home grown plants will reach for the stars.
Producing a bounty your neighbors will not even be able to consume.
You will read all of Thoreau's works and not skip even the most repetitive passages.
Your fabric stash, magnificent quilt.
Easter baskets will be lined in grass grown right in basket.
This will be your finest season yet.
Spring has come and we are alive and able.
Luckily for my family this is a temporary frenzy. A killing frost is the rumor for tomorrow night. It will somehow reset me just a bit. Enough to ground me and slow me down. Remind me that this is but a brief season.
Ahhhh but today a glorious, glorious Sunday. And that will hold me through the dead azaleas that dared poke their buds out before tax day. After all here in NC it could be 97 and miserable next week.
Posted in: on Sunday, April 5, 2009 at at 8:38 PM
Lovely post. We too had a gorgeous day filled with tree climbing, a very determined "squirmy" search, and lettuce planting. The first real Spring weekend in the Northwest, my how I was craving the sun. Our Dogwoods aren't quite at bloom but, there are many colorful wonders proudly displaying themselves out in the garden. We were busy bees today - grubby, tired and contented folk tonight.
I am so glad the egg pattern is a hit! Thanks for dropping by my blog and enjoy the season!
Clean out, toss out virus has reached us. Got the work shed cleared out for graduation/reunion party May 9. Might throw in a birthday cake for Anna. We are clotting celebrations to reduce the exposure to exhuberance. I brought my fathers trash to Oxford to hold on to it a little longer. The giant mallet, a totally desicrated flag (will burn appropriately), a piece of wood with his pencil measurements boldly written. I held my breath and moved through the flames. Now, I will try to reestablish regular breathing in the presence of his love.
Visited at your Daddy's Sunday. He is so together, and excited about his life.
Miss you, Hank