The pancake supper has been served.

the dishwasher broken

The ice maker hooked up

The giant bowl of popcorn popped

The girls room got a much needed face lift

And even the nature table was made over
(not that you can see it because the light bulb blew out and I haven't gotten to that yet)

Now it is time for the movie and wine. I miss Michael but today we are doing fine.
Did I mention I've almost finished the scarf
read: no more bobbles! EVER

It's just a quick thought but did you ever notice that the Duggars do not have pets?

I'm just thinking that if you included my pets, well then we are nearly even and none of my "pet children" ever help out around the house. Not even so much as taking out the trash, unless you count dumping it on the kitchen floor.

Maybe it's not the children aging me it's the eternally dependent animals. I was just thinking about it that's all.

It rainy and cold here today.
The shop is open , the school on a delay.

Sorry the pictures are so bad. I still don't have a camera so these are taken with my phone. Definetly leaves something to be desired.

I love these.
I think we might have to go to the laminator.
Oh!!! Office supply store.
Teehee. I love new pens, pencils mmmmm legal pads.
Oh yes a rainy day at the office store then the library.

It is Officially Autumn!

Sometime around the first week of every October for the last 20 years
I have recived a package from my father.
Every year I scoop up the package and wonder what my Daddy sent me.
I am curious and giddy and I hold my breath as I open the package.
What could he be sending me??
Then at some point about half way through the tape I remember what it is.
My October treasure.
It is a warm blanket from my childhood.
It starts my holiday season off with a smile
and a genuine felling of well being.
Every year with out a note or a signiture my father
puts his love in a box and sends it my way.
It is fall, it is family time it is the child inside.
All of those things in a silly box of state fair taffy.

Here is the yarn that lives in the bowl
that is making the scarf
that follows the pattern
that has the bobble
Here is the yarn that lives in the bowl
that has failed to make the bobble
that has added the stitch
that has been ripped out, again.
Here is the yarn that lives in the bowl
that will make the scarf
that will warm the baby
that pulled out all the yarn.

Here is the yarn that lives in the bowl.
All praise the bowl of yarn!