Sometimes we get the perfect gift. It's a rare treat when something lands in our hands that we didn't know we wanted. That is so exactly what we would've asked for had we known it existed.
This delightful situation is what all parents hope for on Christmas morning.
That we will somehow know our child better than they know themselves.
It doesn't usually work out that way.
There is rarely pony or a puppy under the tree.

This year without even knowing it my oldest daughter got the perfect gift.
Not for her though.
It was given with the thought that she would use it however other people in the house are better suited to it.

Like her sister.

She has possibly been born in the wrong time. Or in the wrong place - i.e. not a Disney princess classic. But she is reigning supreme in her hoopness everyday. Somehow able to navigate the wilderness that is our house in her splendor. So thank you to Oma for finding this treasure. Thank you also to a big sister whose sensibilities lie more a yogi's dress code
than a princess' one.

MMMM snow day!

After rushing around and running at crazy holiday speed,
a snow day is just what the Mom ordered.
I woke up and finished the hat I've been making.
It's supposed to be for Simon
alas his mommy was learning how to read knitting patterns and screwed it up all to hell.
I followed the pattern and it looks wonderful I just didn't understand the gauge directions (I do now) and so I knitted it with size 8 needles which say 5.5m on them which is what I thought the pattern meant. It meant 5.5 stiches to an inch. So the hat fits me but it's too short.
So I will rip out and knit up a new one in no time.

Isn't it sweet.

I then turned my temporary enthusiasum for my children to the kitchen
(You know snow day happiness only lasts til 10:30 then they just need to go to school.)
Breakfast was a RARE treat -as in never before and never again-
of fresh biscuits with hot chocolate, a candy cane and greek yogurt.
Oh it was good to be my kid this morning.

I pulled the bread out of the fridge to rise and now
Suzie homemaker
is done.

It's off to laundry and droning housework.
but what a delightful to start.