Sometimes we get the perfect gift. It's a rare treat when something lands in our hands that we didn't know we wanted. That is so exactly what we would've asked for had we known it existed.
This delightful situation is what all parents hope for on Christmas morning.
That we will somehow know our child better than they know themselves.
It doesn't usually work out that way.
There is rarely pony or a puppy under the tree.

This year without even knowing it my oldest daughter got the perfect gift.
Not for her though.
It was given with the thought that she would use it however other people in the house are better suited to it.

Like her sister.

She has possibly been born in the wrong time. Or in the wrong place - i.e. not a Disney princess classic. But she is reigning supreme in her hoopness everyday. Somehow able to navigate the wilderness that is our house in her splendor. So thank you to Oma for finding this treasure. Thank you also to a big sister whose sensibilities lie more a yogi's dress code
than a princess' one.

MMMM snow day!

After rushing around and running at crazy holiday speed,
a snow day is just what the Mom ordered.
I woke up and finished the hat I've been making.
It's supposed to be for Simon
alas his mommy was learning how to read knitting patterns and screwed it up all to hell.
I followed the pattern and it looks wonderful I just didn't understand the gauge directions (I do now) and so I knitted it with size 8 needles which say 5.5m on them which is what I thought the pattern meant. It meant 5.5 stiches to an inch. So the hat fits me but it's too short.
So I will rip out and knit up a new one in no time.

Isn't it sweet.

I then turned my temporary enthusiasum for my children to the kitchen
(You know snow day happiness only lasts til 10:30 then they just need to go to school.)
Breakfast was a RARE treat -as in never before and never again-
of fresh biscuits with hot chocolate, a candy cane and greek yogurt.
Oh it was good to be my kid this morning.

I pulled the bread out of the fridge to rise and now
Suzie homemaker
is done.

It's off to laundry and droning housework.
but what a delightful to start.

Did I share:

about the blueberry picking?

The high diver

The lost tooth

That we LOST.
The ghost story

We released our butterflies last week
a hard lesson in life cylces,
letting go really is the hardest part

beliveing they will fly away and be okay
takes so much faith for a mother

Even a 6 year old mother

Like many families there was one that couldn't leave the nest

Our little one wing.

When it came time to set the others free
we knew it wouldn't be fair to let her out into the wild world.
So she came back in to live the rest of her days with us.
She survived for many weeks with only one wing.

We have placed her on the nature table now.
To rest in peace among the many other memories from summer.

Sometimes a quiet child doesn't mean that you will need a new lipstick
or a supersize box of magic erasers.
Sometimes it means they are creating a masterpiece.

I love this newest instillation in our living room.
It is built inside an antique baguette server
that I nabbed from my sister on my last visit home.

We were at a loss for what these could be used for in our own homes
finally after much debate we realized they perfectly hold cheese, crackers and apple slices
What a lovely way to serve a normal snack.

Not that I ever got around to using it that way.
No it has sat on the shelf just as my sister's has.

And now I know why.
It was calling to the children

Build on me,
I am your vessel.

Make the mundane the joyous.

The simple sublime.

Thank you for this lovely treat,
which ever quiet child did it.
It has brought a dreamy quality to an otherwise utilitarian piece of art.

Fall has arrived.
Summer has been washed away with four days of heavy rain.
Soon there will be electric yellow leaves on our Ginko tree.
The red and yellow leaves of our oak will make the ground a Monet style painting.

I can't say I am sad to September go.
We have struggled with many failures this summer.
Had many losses.
Felt a little too much hurt.

But the rains are doing away with all of those things,
I can feel the sorrow, so great in my chest this month, ebbing into acceptance.
I needed these cool wet days to fully morn it all.

The sun is supposed to come out Sunday with fresh fall air.
So will I, return to my general state of life.
The kids need haircuts, the driveway needs to be blown, the chicken coop finished.
All these things will certainly bring a sense of order.
Life will continue and the beautiful moments will catch our attention a little more for a time.
Reminding us that happiness is here for the taking.
If we want it.
We do have to want it though.
Seek it out
Look for it
See it when it arrives.
Then open the door to let it in.
Happiness is a choice everyday.

You have to wonder how we are going to beat the beast.
We are not true farmers so we're not going to camp out all night
in order to shoot it.
Nope we are city farmers

We admire the deer eating our corn

oh and ah
when the groundhog comes out
Are completely charmed by the raccoon in our pantry.

yet we have to firm up
We didn't get any Italian flat beans from the neighbor this year
they were clear cut at the top of the poll
our strawberries and corn were reduced to nubs
unable to bear even a morsel
And we have now lost more chickens than I care to admit.
It breaks my heart to have to choose raccoon
or chicken
But these girls have become my friends
And I don't want to have make anymore new friends!
We have lost two flocks now and our coop is more ghetto looking
than ever. But we think it's safe now.
Our neighbor is building us a trap and offered to put a dagger in it
Being the lily white liberals that we are we cringed and ask for a humane trap
As if we will know what to do with the 30lb animal we catch.
Pepper spray him or just say BOO and release him?
We have been given 3 hens that are the same age as our original flock
They are fine but I am not attached.
not yet at least,
I know I will fall in love with the white girl who has a limp
She is sweet.
But not yet.
Maybe the beast won't even give me a chance.

Lost a friend today
One that I was greatly responsible for
Both in death and in life
It seems silly my sorrow over it
But I failed my friend and so the sorrow
may be more blame than grief

I feel awful.

Penny we will miss you.


What a summer...

We have turned 11

Seen the rainbow over the field of dreams

Walked on that field like heros

Traveled horribly long distances to see the people we love

Lost some friends

Made some new ones

Turned three at Pre-school

Found the perfect gift

Made the best cake EVER.

Now the doors are thrown wide and the breeze is sending summer on its way.
The Ginko's leaves are changing a sure sign that soup needs to be made.

Hope you can join us on our journey.

That's our little Marshmellow.
So called because she looks just like an
Easter Peep.
nothing is getting done now for
sitting and watching the babies.
They are sooo funny

It's anti-procrastination day!! (see here for details new nostalgia)
So without even a picture to show how yellow we are here I will
proudly tell you that today I canceled two open lines of credit
took my car to the shop, and .....OK well that's actually all I did
But those things are like going to the dentist.
Hard to do but always rewarding when it done.

So yeah, me what did you get done today?

I am thinking of a small garden this year.
Neat little beds with some tomatoes, and lettuce
Nothing to get out of control during swim team season or July/August season.
Nothing I will fret over when I go out of town.
Something sweet with a few flowers to cut and wide rows
so the kids don't trample the plants.

Of course....
I was actually thinking all of that in the dark of February.
When all my Norwegian reason comes out.

It's NOT February now!!!!

Now my crazy mid western/southern blood runs through my veins.
Gardens are meant to feed a family and all their kin folk for miles around.
With enough to put some good green beans and tomatoes up for the winter.

I don't know where the Norwegian in me goes, but it stays hidden til long about July and then comes knocking again with an I told you so and a hunh huh.
A little wag of the finger and it's back in it's hole until the Dutch blood comes out to feed it in November. Stews and stuff, nothing home grown has ever walk into this house after Sept.5th and I don't think my neighbors tomatoes really count.
HE' S RETIRED remember?

So here is the hopeless romantics garden this year. It looks so manageable on paper.

Won't the peach tree in the far right corner be wonderful!!

I crack myself up.

Spring has really exploded this week.

baby birds are falling from the trees
lenten roses are blooming
The shed, yard and house are being gutted of
broken and washed up things
(Our creek collects alot of stuff.)

We also finally got rid of the last owners things

Ok not everything...
We left this
It's an old vodka bottle,
tucked deep into the eaves of the shed
We cleaned up the potting shed.
Eat your heart out Martha

We found some very useful treasures

For cynthia exploded
(my aunts b'day is Feb28)
I can't wait for the naked ladies!

And finally the last milestone of springs arrival

baseball season