You have to wonder how we are going to beat the beast.
We are not true farmers so we're not going to camp out all night
in order to shoot it.
Nope we are city farmers

We admire the deer eating our corn

oh and ah
when the groundhog comes out
Are completely charmed by the raccoon in our pantry.

yet we have to firm up
We didn't get any Italian flat beans from the neighbor this year
they were clear cut at the top of the poll
our strawberries and corn were reduced to nubs
unable to bear even a morsel
And we have now lost more chickens than I care to admit.
It breaks my heart to have to choose raccoon
or chicken
But these girls have become my friends
And I don't want to have make anymore new friends!
We have lost two flocks now and our coop is more ghetto looking
than ever. But we think it's safe now.
Our neighbor is building us a trap and offered to put a dagger in it
Being the lily white liberals that we are we cringed and ask for a humane trap
As if we will know what to do with the 30lb animal we catch.
Pepper spray him or just say BOO and release him?
We have been given 3 hens that are the same age as our original flock
They are fine but I am not attached.
not yet at least,
I know I will fall in love with the white girl who has a limp
She is sweet.
But not yet.
Maybe the beast won't even give me a chance.