It's amazing how starting dinner at noon frees up your whole day.

We have taken to having tea and cookies every afternoon.
This requires a certain amount of fore thought
What kind of cookies?
Are yesterday's tea pots clean?
Do we have a clean place to sit and enjoy this respite?

So everyday we have found the power to not gobble up the whole batch of cookies
and to rinse our pots.
It's heavenly!
Today, Harper decided it was her moment to shine.
She choose the cookies from our treasure trove of books
devoted solely to cookie making.
Yes, I have more than a few.

Then while I cleaned the kitchen
and prepared the rest of the house she made them.

There were more than a few disgruntled little chefs.
Who are all now plotting their own cookie creations.
Minus one who we just let run all over us and join in
even if it's not entirely pleasant.

Yes, he is drinking out of the creamer.

It's only about 10 min of peaceful tea time but it happens and that is something.


  1. Your cabinets look awesome. And so do those cookies.