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Love you sis!!

   A moment in the life of a mother of four

While cleaning yesterday I let Simon run around care free with no diaper. It seemed reasonblae as he had already had a poop.  While trying to chip away at the toothpaste that had turned to plaster on the counter I hear Ryland who is pooping on the potty screech GROSS. 
Leaving my plaster work I race to the scene.  Simon is comfortably squated playing horses on the shag rug. The dog is sleeping peacefully . Her sister is guled to her MP3. As I wander out of the room to question Ry I notice that Simon is too comfortably squated.  You guessed it POOP. On the three inch shag.  I scoop him up and race to the changing table passing Ryland on the potty. The dog moves in swiflty gulping poo before I can go back and shoo her out the room. Passing Ryland on the potty again I return to my poo covered son.  She has been sitting there awahile. It must be a big poo I think.  Back at the poo covered baby, I scrape and scrub.  It is only after a moment that I turn and look at Ryland legs dangling from the potty when I realize to my horror she has just pooped on top of a cloth diaper soaking in the potty.  Days don't get much better than that. 



  1. Oh man! LOL that stinks! (pun intended) why the heck are dogs drawn to poop like that? So nasty!! I've had to clean up cloth diapers with added poop on top before too. FUN!! never a dull moment eh?