This being Tuesday and all it was another hectic nutty day. In the midst of the running and doing I found myself with a moment to race to Costco with only two children. It's important to note I have not been to the store in over two weeks.  Of course it was 7:30 and we all needed to pee, but you grab your moments when you can right. Anyway as we pull up to our turn into the lot we find it blocked by three police cars and a tow truck. I'm thinking drag I have to drive around to the other entrance ( a whole what 500ft away), when from the way back I hear the tired voice of my little league girl say 
"Mom you know what bad guys do at night"   

Wanting to reassure my girl that there are no bad guys anywhere ever!! I say 
 "Oh honey these aren't bad guys it's just a fender bender. I'm sure everything's okay" 

"Yes, but Mud, DO YOU know what bad guys do at night?" 

 "No dear....( think happy thoughts think happy thoughts) what"

"Well after dinner they go to bed with out brushing their teeth! And then in the morning when they wake up they don't brush them then either!"

Sweet dreamy child of mine. 
Thank you, child's eye view of the world, for that moment of zen. 

We bust a move through Costco and leave with only what we went for. Yeah  me!!  --four loaves of bread, a dozen bagels, 3lbs of cream cheese and 2lbs of cheddar. Oh yes bread and cheese the life giving forces in this house. As I am loading the van she leans over the back seats and asks 
"Mud, what if people could walk from here to Mississippi. " 

"That's a long way babe"

" Yeah but they could walk and go really fast stopping at fill-up stations that would fill them up with air. You could pump air into peoples mouths and then they would speed along really fast. Like faster than cars or bikes even."

Delighted with the way she thinks --- "Well it would certainly better for the environment"  

She is a challenge to raise that one is. I forget sometimes, how amazing her mind is and how much I enjoy her way of looking at things. She draws me back to my own imagination. My own whimsy, which gets lost in this busy life, is tickled and I am reminded I used to write stories, I used to sing made up songs. When will I find that again? I don't have the answer that. But occasionally I am shown the window through which I can see my old self and know she isn't lost.  Just busy. I must stop creating busy. And find a way to create more of that other thing. 



  1. I think bad guys do have green teeth. Doesn't that make it easy to identify. I can't wait to see your babies.