Okay so it turns out that you should not share your crappy homeschool moments with your husband as he is walking in the door.  Turns him against everyone.  I am going to try not to be one of those teachers who sends home pissy na-na-na notes everyday it.  With all of the discrepancies and he/she spoke out of turns.  And Johnny bit Sally's in it. What happens in homeschool just like "go to" school stays at school. End of story. 

So on that note I have not enjoyed the last couple of days. I've marked my calender to see if perhaps there is a correlation. Uh hum.  I also need to turn away from doing this for my husband. Whether I like it not I need him to see we are doing stuff. Like somehow I'm going to fail to instill knowledge in his/our children and they will flounder for life because of me.  By the by the awesome "responsibility" of homeschool is over played. I'm not going to fail anyone. But sometimes I do feel my dh looking at me like WHAT did you do today. As though everyday must be full of some accomplishment.  So that stresses me a bit. I'm learning too after all.

There won't be a year as hard as this one. I just need to slow down and find my peaceful side. Hmm .