Purge mania

So this week begins the great purge.  School is out starting monday, and I have made a list of all the rooms in our house with the time I think it will take to clear them out of anything I wouldn't want to move.  Not that we are moving but it seems like a good rule of thumb. We have a two car garage and one side is the goodwill stuff the other is the junkyard or toxic dump. We have so much left over paint. I did the sunroom yesterday and the living room today. Technically I'm not supposed to start until Monday but any little bit I get done before then and I get to take longer on other more difficult rooms like the cellar and the garage itself. I'm also listing a ton of stuff on freecycle. 
Stuff be gone! 
It's also nice to walk into a room and know that even in the dark recesses of the clothes I only have things I really want to own. 

I am going to try to take one picture of the garden every day in June. 
This is the first.

And while it isn't the garden and these aren't our peas, they came from A garden and the help I got shelling them .......... Well lets just say it was alot like cooking with Peter Rabbit. Most of it was eaten before it hit the bowl. 

Peas Glorious Peas !


  1. It's like some kind of evil magic that despite constant culling our house is still full of junk. Good luck with the purge!